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China Leading Laboratory Equipment Supplier
16 Years Lab Equipment & Instrument Manufacturer
Model: TET3X, TET3XG
Capacity:3*(32*0.2ml )
Temperature Range:0-100 ℃
Maximum heating and cooling rate:5℃/s, 4℃/s
Characteristic:Support U disk to store and copy PCR data, TFT touch screen
Model:TE9612T, TE9632T, TE4852T, TE4832T, TE3842T
Capacity:96*0.2ml, 96*0.2ml+77*0.5ml, Double 48*0.2ml, 48*0.2ml+30*0.5ml, 384 well
Characteristic:Built-in WIFI, TFT touch screen,Stepless adjustable hot lid with pressure-protection
Model:TePure-A, TePure-A(F), TePure-A(384), TePure-B, TePure-C
Capacity:96*0.2ml, 384 well, 6*16*0.2ml
Temperature Range:0-105 ℃
Maximum heating and cooling rate:5℃/s, 6℃/s, 8℃/s
Characteristic:Support USB to store and copy PCR data, 10.1 inch capacitive touch screen
Model:TePure D series
Capacity:64*0.2ml (A Block) + 32*0.2ml (B Block)
Temperature Range:0-150 ℃
Maximum heating and cooling rate:8℃/s
Characteristic:Support USB to store and copy PCR data, color touch screen
Model: AUTO-96T
Characteristic:With USB port or RS232 / RS485 port, Automatic power-off protection
Model: TE4T
Temperature Range: 0-100 ℃
Maximum heating and cooling rate:4℃/s, 3℃/s
Characteristic: With USB interface, real time display, color capacitive touch screen
Capacity:96*0.2ml (6 independent 16 well block)
Temperature Range:4-100 ℃
Maximum heating and cooling rate:6℃/s, 4℃/s
Characteristic:Support USB and LAN to update software, TFT color touch screen
Model: T8800
Sample Capacity:8*0.2ml (8 well)
Reaction Volume:15-100μl
MAX. Ramp Rate:7℃/s
Excitation wavelength:F1:470nm F2:523nm F3:571nm F4:628nm
Emission wavelength:F1:525nm F2:571nm F3:612nm F4:692nm
Factory Calibrated Dyes:F1: FAM/SYBR GreenI F2: HEX/VIC/JOE/TET F3: ROX F4: CY
Feature function:Quantitative/qualitative, melting curve, genotyping
Display:Output data to PC
Sample Capacity:32*0.2ml(4*8well, dual block)
Reaction Volume:10-100μl
MAX. Ramp Rate:5℃/s
Excitation wavelength:F1: 470nm F2: 523nm F3: 571nm F4: 628nm
Emission wavelength:F1: 525nm F2: 571nm F3: 612nm F4: 692nm
Factory Calibrated Dyes:F1: FAM/SYBR Green I F2: HEX/VIC/JOE/TET F3: ROX F4: CY5
Feature function:Quantitative/qualitative analysis, Melting curve, Genotyping
Display:7 inch color TFT touch screen
Sample Capacity:16*0.2ml (2*8well, dual block)
Reaction Volume:10-100μl, 15-100μl
MAX. Ramp Rate:6℃/s, 7℃/s
Phone +86-571-86062776
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